Year: 2016
Medium: Spraypaint on canvas
Medium: Spraypaint on canvas
Specular Color
The Colectiff.
Coalition On Homelessness Art Auction
San Francisco, CA Sep 2017
Coalition On Homelessness Art Auction
San Francisco, CA Sep 2017


Year: 2016
Medium: Spraypaint on birch
Medium: Spraypaint on birch
Blue Line Arts Gallery.
Roseville, CA 2016-2017
Roseville, CA 2016-2017
"30x30" was an art gallery submission challenge to produce 30 pieces of artwork in 30 days. I approached this challenge with the piece above, which is a series of 30 different yet cohesive 6" x 6" pieces.


Each column follows a similar color range to make the entire 30 piece set a cohesive statement, as well as standing out as individual pieces in their own right. The row of particular note is the 4th, which is directly inspired by various skies and times of day observed. From clear skies to the last fires of the sunset.
Year: 2017
Medium: Spraypaint on birch
Medium: Spraypaint on birch
Stripes 2

Year: 2016
Medium: Spraypaint on birch
Medium: Spraypaint on birch
Light in a Window